Teacher Training Application



Family Name


Given Name









Phone Number


Email Address




How did you hear about us?


Upload a headshot of yourself.


Are you a current Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT)? If so, where were you certified and by whom? Are you currently teaching? If so, where?


Referral code (if any)


How long have you been practicing Yoga and what styles are you familiar with?


Do you meditate? If so, how often?


Describe your dietary habits and/or health and exercise practices.


Why do you want to teach Yoga?


What do you expect to gain from our 200 or 300-hour hOMe School U™ Teacher Training program?


What level of Service do you currently provide to your local cOMmUNITY (if any)? Where do you see yourself in Service post Teacher Training?


Do you have any concerns that may affect your teacher training? If so, please feel free to expand. Also, please know that difficult experiences make for great teachings and that healed people heal people!

Have you ever been convicted for any crime, including sex-related or child-abuse issues? *Criminal background investigations may be routinely conducted.





I understand that deposits made for hOMe School U™ Teacher Training are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE.

I herby acknowledge that I have read and understand the terms of my agreement on participating in the 200 or 300-hour hOMe School U™ Teacher Training program with yoga hOMe®.  All information is subject to change without notification.

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Signed by Corbin Stacy
Signed On: February 26, 2025

Signature Certificate
Document name: Teacher Training Application
lock iconUnique Document ID: d6523b73cdb1ea5f0f73e2edc839dfad9f2f5079
Timestamp Audit
July 19, 2023 6:03 pm EDTTeacher Training Application Uploaded by Corbin Stacy - info@hotyogahome.com IP
February 26, 2025 9:22 am EDTCorbin Stacy - corbin.stacy@hotyogahome.com added by Corbin Stacy - info@hotyogahome.com as a CC'd Recipient Ip: